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Ecobright™ Bio-based Litho Vehicles

Sheetfed litho oil-based inks made with Ecobrite Vehicles are designed to have zero or near-zero VOC content, yet have very good initial setting speed and hard cure. Ecobrite-based Inks are press-stable and can be made to be "stay open" with the addition of a suitable anitoxidant compound like Kerley "Advantiox". Ecobrite vehicles can also be used in zero-VOC bio-based coldset web laser forms inks, too!

Kerley Ink is hand made in the USA.

© 2024 R. A. Kerley Ink Engineers, Inc. (Kerley Ink)


R. A. Kerley Ink Engineers, Inc. (Kerley Ink)

2700 South 12th Avenue

Broadview, IL 60155

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Phone: 708-344-1295
Fax: 708-865-5759

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