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Ecobright™ GEL PLUS Heavy-Gel Bio-based Vehicle
Soybeans Soya Beans

Resin... a very large part of all ink vehicles is typically supplied as a hard, crystalline flake like the sample above. Kerley Ink takes resin and other ingredients and cooks them together to make millions of pounds of ink vehicles and varnishes every year.

Ecobrite GEL Plus Vehicle is a 100% solids, soy, linseed & tung oil-based vehicle suitable for use as a sheetfed ink letdown vehicle. Although EcoBright GEL Plus vehicle is virtually an all-solids litho vehicle, sheetfed inks formulated with it have exceptionally fast initial setting for excellent work & turn performance. EcoBright-based inks dry to the touch within seconds of impression, yet ink keeps open in the fountain all day long. EcoBright Gel Plus is furnished as a high-viscosity gel that can easily be softened with a wide variety of oils or solvents to make excellent low- and mid-tack inks.

When necessary, we recommend that cobalt and manganese driers be used with Ecobrite GEL Plus Vehicle in order to assure a hard cure takes place after impression, especially on high-holdout coated stocks and non-porous plastic films.

EcoBright Gel Plus Vehicle has a bio/renewables content of approximately 82%.




Tack: 17 points @ 400 RPM @ 90 F

Viscosity (Laray): 900 Poises/10,500 Dynes/sqCM Yield @ 40 C

Resin Type: Rosin-Modified Phenolic 155C Melt Pt

Solvent Percentage: 0% 

Solvent Boiling Range: N/A

Soy/Vegetable Oil Content: approx 49%

Bio/renewables content: 82%

Packaging Options:
Kerley Ink is hand made in the USA.

© 2024 R. A. Kerley Ink Engineers, Inc. (Kerley Ink)


R. A. Kerley Ink Engineers, Inc. (Kerley Ink)

2700 South 12th Avenue

Broadview, IL 60155

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Phone: 708-344-1295
Fax: 708-865-5759

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