MonoRad™ 3PO Monomer

Kerley Ink can provide its clientele with convenience quantites of a wide variety of radiation-curable monomer/diluents such as GPTA, TRPGDA, DPGDA and more...
MonoRad 3PO (TMP(EO)3TA) is a propoxylated triacrylate reactive diluent based on a glycerol derivative. It exhibits low viscosity and good flexibility for a triacrylate, and its high functionality contributes to good reactivity and hardness. Use 2%-25% MonoRad 3PO in most any UV-cure or energy-cure formulation, as it is suitable for both paste inks and liquid inks.
Active ingredient: Ethoxylated Trimethylolpropane Triacrylate
Viscosity: 50-70 mPaS @ 25 deg C
Active Content: 100%
Solids Content: 100%
Vehicle type: 100% Acrylic
Appearance: Pale, light straw colored liquid
Packaging Options:

1 Gallon Resealable Plastic bucket (net 7-8 lbs)

3.5 Gallon Plastic Bucket (net 30 lbs)

5 gallon plastic bucket with optional pour spout (40-45 lbs)

15 Gallon Steel Drum / Kit (110-135 lbs net)

55 gallon straight sided steel drum (net 400-450 lbs)